It's easy to find online many recommendation on what to do in Lapland. So, let's look at one very important thing to avoid during your time in Lapland.

Never drive your car on snowmobile or cross-country skiing trails!
In Lapland there are separate trails for snowmobiles and unfortunately they are shown as roads on some online maps. Do not follow online maps blindly and do not drive on snowmobile tracks with your car. You will probably get stuck in the snow which will result in a very expensive recovery. So be present and be aware of the signs and make good decisions.
In our Lapland e-book we list 4 more other things that you should avoid while in Lapland. You will be very surprise with one of them.
Follow us on Instagram (@levifoxfires) where we regularly share a lot of tips helping you with your Lapland holiday planning.
For more detailed information refer to our comprehensive Lapland guide.
Our extensive local knowledge and years of experience are poured into the pages to help you save time and reduce stress whilst planning your trip. This is the most comprehensive Lapland guide that is written by locals and includes all the information that you need for your Lapland trip.
Happy reading
Aggie, Paul & Gooseberry